

Galt Development is an A-General Engineering Contractor focused on the repair and replacement of asphalt and concrete. Our leadership team has decades of experience in civil construction, site development, and right-of-way work for property owners, municipalities, state agencies, and military organizations. We provide quality products, dependable work, and actively participate in community outreach. 

Because of the continued commitment to the training and education of our employees, we deliver on the “Galt Development Difference.” Superior service and reliable results for each customer we serve.

Mission: Our mission is People, Pavement, Parking Lots, Pot Holes, and Patching.

Vision: To be the icon of employee growth and development.

Why we do it:

  • To feed our families and build our futures.
  • Because the focus on family fuels our personal responsibility.
  • Personal responsibility creates our freedom.
  • Freedom is innovation & freedom challenges the status quo.

How we do it:

  • We are an investment and infrastructure company.
  • We invest in people and innovation.
  • We enhance and improve infrastructure including parking lots, streets, and highways.

Our Promise: To set an example of excellence for our employees and customers toward the betterment and safety of all lives within the communities we serve.


Establishing a property maintenance plan is essential to maintaining the value of your investment, as well as building a strong visual appeal for prospective and current customers.

We’ve created this checklist to help you recognize areas on your property that need to be properly maintained to reduce potential costs and liabilities.

GALT Maintenance Checklist